Saturday, April 22, 2017

J.P. Moreland on People Getting 'Forced' into Heaven

The quote that I will be discussing can be found here. Read it before reading this post so you know what I'm talking about.

When I read this quote, I was honestly confused about what it meant. Why would anyone want to go to hell? I don't think jackass who said this honestly believed that in the least.

It starts off by saying that "forcing people into heaven is dehumanizing". This is beyond stupid, because the only other option is an eternal fire. Who would choose to burn in fire eternally over going  to a paradise?

Though it's fairly clear what this is actually saying. That atheists do, in fact, believe in God. Not just any God, but the one that he believes in, and, presumably, was raised to believe in. He's saying that we know God exists, but we reject him. My question is, who is this person to tell me what I do and do not believe? What peer reviewed study shows that everyone (Muslims, Atheists, Wiccans, Christians of other denominations, etc.) believes in the God that J.P. Moreland believes in?

He also says that God will respect our choice, and will respect and dignify it. The problem with this is that burning someone eternally is NOT DIGNIFYING OR RESPECTING SOMEOME. This is beyond simple. Burning someone for not believing in what they cannot see is extremely cruel.

A guy named Counter Apologist made an analogy that explains the cruelty of God's system. This is called the "game show analogy".

Imagine someone traps you in a game show where you have to guess the host's favorite color. The host sends his son in there to tell you his [the host's] favorite color, but he also sends in other boys who also claim to be his son. If you guess right, you get a million dollars, if not, you burn forever. You also don't have a choice as to whether or not you want to be in this game show.

Most people would think this is cruel, and I doubt anyone would be like "this is not cruel, he knows the host's favorite color... in his heart", but this is precisely what J.P. Moreland and anyone who makes this claim is doing.

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