Saturday, April 22, 2017

Conservapedia: Top 10 Arguments Against Homosexuality

This article by the Christian/Conservative pseudo-encyclopedia, Conservapedia, outlines what it thinks are the best arguments against homosexuality. In one section, it outlines what it believes are the top 10 arguments. Well it looks like we're dealing with the best of the best. Let's see.

1. Homosexuality is unhealthy, and it's better to encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles.

This is not an argument against homosexuality, it's simply an argument against not being cautious while having sexual intercourse. Secondly, homosexuality is not an 'unhealthy lifestyle', it's a sexual orientation. The studies that show that homosexuals get more STDs do not show that homosexuality directly causes said STDs. Those diseases can usually be tied into higher levels of promiscuity amongst homosexuals. Conservapedia is conflating correlation with causation.

2. It's not pro-life - it leads to various diseases, physical and psychological disorders and early death among those who practice homosexual behavior

This is mostly a repeat of the last claim. As far as psychological issues goes, I would presume that conservapedia is referring to things like depression, which you would expect due to homophobic bigotry. Conservapedia also didn't show that these issues would not take lives if they were not homosexual, nor did they show that these people would be more healthy if they were not homosexual. They also did not show that homosexuality is the direct cause of these disorders. Again, Conservapedia is conflating correlation with causation.

3. It's anti-Bible - no other conduct is condemned as much by the Bible as homosexuality.

This says more about the Bible than it does about homosexuality. Shouldn't an all good God spend more time condemning rape or genocide, than a sexual orientation that harms nobody? Secondly, this is not a good argument in a secular nation. The first amendment of the constitution states that a religion cannot be established via the state. Basing a law solely on a religion is clearly the state establishing a religion. This argument also assumes the Bible is true, which is extremely controversial.

4. It's infringing on more important freedoms, like freedom of religion and speech

They cite people suing others for discrimination against homosexuals. This is as much an attack on freedom of speech as someone suing a baker for not selling to blacks for religious reasons. I actually part with some on the left in that I agree that churches should be allowed to descriminate, because that is simply allowing people to practice their religion properly when it doesn't actually harm anyone who is not inside the religion. Businesses, should not have this right because they are not religious institutions. Another thing is that this is an argument against people not wanting to be descriminated against, not homosexuality itself.

5. It's another Leftist political movement, which Communists support

This is an ad hominem fallacy. Conservapedia is saying because leftists support X, X is false by definition. This is ineffably stupid. Furthermore, it is not a movement, but a sexual orientation.

6. It's promoted far too much by the liberal media - if the lifestyle were good, then why would liberal censorship of criticism be necessary?

I stand with conservapedia in that I don't believe opposing viewpoints should be censored. However, saying that because the 'liberal media' supports it, it is therefore wrong, is, again, an ad hominem fallacy. As for whether or not liberal censorship is necessary, if this list of arguments is the best that the anti-homosexual movement has to offer, then it is most certainly not necessary,

7. People should be (and have been) able to leave the lifestyle if they want to, so why are homosexuals working hard to ban conversion therapy?

My personal position on conversion therapy is that it should not be banned, but parents shouldn't be able to force their children to get it against their will. I believe one should be at an age where they can legally be their own legal guardian when they receive conversion therapy. This is not an argument against homosexuality.

8. Homosexuals are wealthier than heterosexuals, so homosexuals don't need any more handouts like benefits for same-sex couples.

Firstly, citation is needed and not provided for a claim like this. Secondly, just because they're rich doesn't mean they shouldn't to marry who they love. Finally, allowing homosexuals to marry or to not be descriminated against is not a handout, it's a right.

9. It's an anti-Christian movement - why aren't homosexual activists suing Muslim or Hindu bakers for not serving same-sex marriage?

Conservapedia hasn't cited any instances where Hindu or Muslim bakers refused to serve homosexuals, and the homosexuals didn't sue them simply because they weren't christians. Also, homosexuality is not a movement, it is a sexual orientation.

10. It's a selfish movement - notice how billionaire homosexuals are not setting up hospitals as Christians have?

Conservapedia is saying 'most of these people aren't great people so I want to deny them the right to marry who they love.' Conservapedia is also conflating correlation with causation, because they haven't demonstrated that these people would be setting up hospitals if they weren't homosexual. Conservapedia calls homosexuality a selfish movement, let's say that it is a movement (and it isn't, it's a sexual orientation), if it was the case that homosexuality was a selfish movement, then a goal of the movement would be to not donate to charity. Conservapedia knows that is not the case. Even in Conservapedia's "Homosexual Agenda" article, they don't sink to the level of saying that destroying charity is an object of the homosexual agenda.

This article is a clear example of Conservapedia's idiocy.

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